“Applied Cosmetic Science and Technology” (ACST) is an academic journal published by the Society of Cosmetic Chemists of Japan (SCCJ). Cosmetics integrates many sciences and technologies, such as dermatology, interface science, materials science, chemical engineering, and psychology. This journal records the results of this integration and contributes to the development of cosmetic technology by publishing content that will propel the further development of cosmetic technology. Our sister publication is the Journal of SCCJ.

Publication dates: April and October 20 (twice a year)
Fields covered: All areas related to cosmetic technology
Language: English

In the review, cosmetic engineers and researchers involved in cosmetic technology explain their advanced research results in an easy-to-understand format. The original articles and short communications cater to cosmetic engineers worldwide and provide a forum for the global dissemination of integrated cosmetic technology. All published articles are rigorously reviewed by reviewers selected by the SCCJ to ensure that only valuable cosmetic technologies are disseminated globally as high-quality papers.

ACST Editorial Board

Chief Editor
Yoshihiro Tokudome (Saga University)
Section Editors
Fumitaka Fujita (Mandom Corporation, Osaka University)
Hiroyuki Asano (Yamaguchi Mica CO., LTD.)
Yoshimune Nonomura (Yamagata University)
Hitoshi Masaki (CIEL Corporation)
Takeshi Hamasaki (Regolis, Inc.)

The copyright of the content published in ACST belongs to the SCCJ.
The Society has entrusted the right to reproduce works published in this journal to the Japan Academic Association for Copyright Clearance (JAC). If you wish to copy the work published in this journal, please obtain permission from the JAC.

Rights consignee


Nogizaka Bldg., 2F, 9-6-41 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan

e-mail: info@jaacc.jp

For permissions other than copying (citation, reprinting, translation, etc.), please directly contact the SCCJ (info@sccj-ifscc.com).
Please comply with the Creative Commons License CC-BY-NC-SA when reprinting or citing articles for noncommercial purposes.
Please apply to JAC (https://www.jaacc.org/) for commercial use by a third party.

Publication and Subscription Fees

ACST is a hybrid Open Access (OA) journal. At the time of publication, only the abstract or full paper will be published on the web, and no printed versions will be published. If only the abstract is published and no OA is made (non-OA paper), the submission fee is free for SCCJ members and charged for non-members. If the authors wish to publish a full paper at the same time as the publication (OA paper), a submission fee is required for all authors.
Regarding subscriptions, SCCJ members can read all articles free of charge after entering their passwords, but non-members are charged a fee to view non-OA papers.

Publication Fees
Member Non-member
OA paper ¥100,000 ¥200,000
non-OA paper Free ¥50,000
Subscription Fees
SCCJ Member Non-member
OA paper Free Free
non-OA paper Paid ¥5,000/article

Editorial Office of ACST

E-mail: sccj-edit@bunken.co.jp
International Academic Publishing Co. Ltd.
332-6 Yamabuki-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0801, Japan
TEL: +81-3-6824-9363
FAX: +81-3-5206-5332